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About This Author


Sarah Arantza Amador was born and raised in Los Angeles and lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California. She writes about longing, ghost-making, and the endearment of monsters. These are the weird twists and turns of human loving kindness. She is a graduate of the Creative Writing BA program at the University of California Santa Cruz and a former PhD Candidate in Spanish & Latin American Literatures at New York University; she earned her MA in Spanish & Latin American Literatures from NYU in 2010.


Her work has appeared in X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, CRAFT, Unbroken Journal, Ellipsis Zine, CHEAP POP, and other venues. Her publications have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions, and anthologized in Best Microfiction. She is currently completing her first novel.


Sarah has worked as a Spanish professor, a university lecturer in humanities and social sciences, a Spanish-English translator, and a Spanish-language reader for an international literary agency; she is currently employed as a university administrator. She knits and adventures. Sarah took the photos and video welcoming you to this website in the Atacama Desert in Chile.


Sarah is the former Fiction Editor of the weird and beautiful online literary journal Longleaf Review.

She tweets @ArantzaSarah

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