Curriculum Vitae
Honors & Awards
"How Loudly We Dead Howl" - nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020
"Our Lady Enters the City [In Three Attempts]" - nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020
"Sanctus Spiritus, 1512" anthologized in Best Microfiction 2019 - Pelekinesis Press, April 2019
"A Reckoning" - nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2019
Invited Readings
Invited Speaker, Samuel Pepys Reading Series. Dept. of Language & Literature, Florida Gulf Coast University (November 2022)
"Silkworm, Spider, Saint" // Page Street, San Francisco // Litquake 2022 (October 2022)
Excerpt "As Far North As An Orange Tree Will Grow" // Page Street, San Francisco // One Page Salon (April 2022)
"Sanctus Spiritus, 1512" // Arion Press, San Francisco // Quiet Lightning Literary Mix-Tape #126 (May 2019)
"And The Wind Blew In Laura" // GalerÃa de la Raza, San Francisco // Quiet Lightning Literary Mix-Tape #107 (May 2017)
"Mini-Interview with Sarah Arantza Amador" // Special Like People on TV (January 2020)
"Flash Fiction as a Puzzle: Sarah Arantza Amador on Creative Confidence and Reclaiming Your Writing Time" // Flash Fiction Retreats (May 2019)
"Welcome the New Editors!" // Longleaf Review (October 2018)
"Backstory: Five Questions with Sarah Arantza Amador" // FlashBack Fiction (August 2018)
"'Wolf Shepherd' feels exactly like a Sarah Arantza Amador story in the best way. I feel the animal inside of me respond to the experience, the fear and the vulnerability, all in this short piece." - Minyoung Lee, Bending Genres
"'Sanctus Spiritus, 1512' by Sarah Arantza Amador. The editor clearly chose the best story to kick off the anthology. It contains a bit of mystery, a bit of fantasy, and a healthy dose of 'longing, ghost-making, the endearment of monsters' as the author mentions in her bio." - Katherine Valdez, "BEST MICROFICTION 2019 Dazzles with Wide Array of Brilliant Stories"
"Holy hell, this is vivid. Read this paragraph out loud and tell me this doesn’t taste good on your tongue. The whole damn piece is this good. The momentum doesn’t stop. This whole story builds upon a single moment (i.e. the three attempts) and it grows and grows... It is hugely successful in playing with so many devices in a limited space." - Lyndsie Manusos, Book Riot
Literary Community
Contributions, Service, Company
October 2022
Workshop Participant
"Ghostly Illumination" led by Karen Russell, workshopping novel-in-progress. Writing by Writers Tomales Bay Workshop. Marshall, CA.
February 2022 - present
Founding Member
Page Street: A Co-Working Space for Writers. San Francisco, CA.
May 2020
Spanish-Language Translation Contribution
Karen Tei Yamashita, "Frutos Extraños." The Georgia Review, Volume LXXIV, Number 1 (Spring 2020).
October 2019
Feature Contribution
Amy Brady, "A Non-Traditional Halloween Reading List: Scary books that have been overlooked, out-of-print, or not always shelved as 'horror.'" Chicago Review of Books.
October 2018 - March 2020
Fiction Editor
Fiction Editor at Longleaf Review , working with EICs Kate Finegan and Stephanie LaChapelle.
August 2016 - June 2017
First Reader
First Reader for the Fiction Editorial Team at the Indianola Review, working with Assistant Fiction Editor Jan Elman Stout and Fiction Editor Katie M. Flynn.