Late in January, I got the great news that my flash piece "Sanctus Spiritus, 1512," published by CHEAP POP in August last year, was picked by Dan Chaon to appear in Best Microfiction 2019 coming out in April (you can read my initial response on Twitter here and my slightly more composed response from later in the day here).
The inaugural anthology (!!!) features "eighty seven of the world's best very short stories" (holy moly, it's true, and I can't believe that my weird little thing is one of them) and is being published by Pelekinesis Press. It comes out April 17, 2019 - you can order directly from the press now and get a 10% preorder discount! It's legit - my parents already ordered their copy!
It's taken me about four weeks to write this blog post and that's because I'm still pinching myself. I feel super grateful to everyone who has nurtured and breathed life into this little one-paragraph story: my Fast Flash writing family, Hannah Gordon and Robert James Russell at CHEAP POP, Meg Pokrass and Gary Fincke at Best Microfiction, and, ultimately, Dan Chaon. It's reaching a bigger audience than I could have ever imagined. I'm proud and amazed.